2 On The Road Blog

After 12 years of full-time rving, we've sold our truck and trailer but we're still traveling. Email us at wowpegasus@hotmail.com if you would like to contact us.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Te Papa Tongarewa - New Zealand's National Museum

I had planned for this to be a half-day attraction, but it was school break time, and the place was packed with kids.

Many of New Zealand's native birds are flightless. 

The plethora of life-forms found only in New Zealand.

Found nowhere else in the world, Dactylanthus taylorii, the “wood rose”, is a parasitic plant that lives underground, wrapped around the roots of native trees. Inside the swollen stem of the plant a wonderful transformation occurs, resulting in an elegant “flower” made solely of wood.  The English name “flower of Hades” is a distorted translation of pua o te reinga.

These grasshoppers were huge!

So were the walking sticks.


Now on to some Māori information 

These are just a few of the many displays in the Museum.  I don't think we made it halfway through. 

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