2 On The Road Blog

After 12 years of full-time rving, we've sold our truck and trailer but we're still traveling. Email us at wowpegasus@hotmail.com if you would like to contact us.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Oregon Coast Trail: condo to Lone Ranch Beach

Not all the trail is in the forest.  Actually most of the distance of the Oregon Coast Trail is on the beach.

This time we followed what we thought was a side trail but is actually the trail that goes down to Lone Ranch Beach.

A stream falling to the ocean.

Our first look at Lone Ranch Beach

I think this is another type of phlox

The main trail goes right just after this photo was taken and it goes down to the beach.  We took the steep trail to the top of the bluff.  Another trail goes down to the beach on the left.

It almost looked like this evergreen was flowering.

I'm assuming the new growth is always yellow.

Lone Ranch Beach to the north

Beach to the south of the bluff

Wild strawberries growing on the top of the point

Maybe some sort of seaside daisy

Some type of paintbrush plant

We explored the beach south of the bluff

Headed back into the wood, the trail has a very obvious entrance

Snail along the bluff trail


Deer and fawn off the patio with everlasting pea flowers in the background.

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