2 On The Road Blog

After 12 years of full-time rving, we've sold our truck and trailer but we're still traveling. Email us at wowpegasus@hotmail.com if you would like to contact us.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

End of the Oregon Trail

So why was Oregon City the "End of the Oregon Trail"?  The single most important impetus for coming to Oregon was the lure of free land. The most important act of new settlers upon arriving in Oregon was to claim a piece of property, and for many years that could only be done in Oregon City. 
Men could claim 320 acres.  Married couples could claim 640 acres - 320 in the man's name and 320 in the woman's name.  But single women, and even women who had become widows on the trail, could not claim any land at all.

The stairs up to the Interpretive Center

There were many routes wagon trains could follow to get to Oregon City.

There were three buildings to this center and each was covered in a wagon frame.

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