2 On The Road Blog

After 12 years of full-time rving, we've sold our truck and trailer but we're still traveling. Email us at wowpegasus@hotmail.com if you would like to contact us.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tucson Mountain Park Hike

We went hiking in Tucson Mountain Park again just at a different place.

There's a trail up to this boulder that we will hike another time.

Nolan got a hitchhiker. Yep he got too close to a cholla cactus and it attached to the camera bag. Then he got his arm too close and it jumped onto him!

Those spines really dig in. I took two rocks and yanked the thing off of him. He only yelped a little.

Notice he isn't getting too close to the cacti now?

Well until he started pretending to be one.

We ended up running out of trail or else we just missed a turn and followed a "path" where the water had run off the hillside. Anyway we eventually followed a wash back downhill.

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