Tuesday, December 01, 2020

November 2020

Got stuck behind someone doing 35 mph on 101, stopped here for a break to let the slowpoke continue on.  There isn't a sign telling a person what is here so this was an added bonus.

(as always you can click on the photo to make it bigger)

Works the best when the tide is coming in.  Was a foggy day, but I didn't care.

This is Thor's Well.  Also known as the Drainpipe of the Pacific.

Water goes into the well and then like the top photo it disappears.

Stopped at Waldport Port of Alsea.

I have been here before.  Watch the people load up their boats.

The gal in the pink pants was telling the guy what to do the whole time.

This was the first time I have ever seen someone load a boat this way.  All the others drive the boat up onto the trailer.  

Left Paradise on November 6.  Ran into snow near Susanville, CA.   

A few miles down the road all was clear again.

Stayed at the same motel in the same town when we went up north.  This showerhead was great for anyone under 5 foot.  Not for JoAnn or I.

South of town came up onto snow and it was 28 degrees.

Signs were all snow covered.

Further down the road it was clearing off

Later on come up behind a snowplow.

After the snowplow turned off and a few more miles we came onto more snow.  Traffic had slowed down to 40 to 45 mph.  It was 25 degrees at this time.

Cleared off again and was able to pass the vehicle we had been following most of the morning.  HDT pulling a horse trailer.

Rain the rest of the way to Las Vegas.

Made it back to the dust bowl of Arizona where we spend the winter.

Was told this is a Coopers Hawk.  It has been catching and eating rabbits and mourning doves almost every day.  Plenty of them around in the 55 plus community.

At the local library which is hooked into the high school was this F450.  Black truck with vinyl stickers on it.  

Covid-19 has hit our little community in the last two weeks.   Eight people who have come forward and posted on the community's Facebook page that they have been tested positive for covid-19.  But I can see the problem when I go into town and to different stores.  No masks to just covering the mouth and not the nose.  No wonder Arizona has a problem. 


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