Friday, July 27, 2018

Scotland - Kelpies

We drove through Falkirk to another part of the canal to see the Kelpies. From the outer parking lot, we walked alongside the canal.  We saw this swan pulling up vegetation and throwing it into the water flow. Turns out the male uproots aquatic vegetation, grasses and sedges, and transfers it to the female, who will first pile it up high and then uses her body to form a depression to place her eggs in.

He's giving that grass a good tug here.

We pass another lock.

The canal headed to the Kelpies

The Kelpies are 100-foot-high horse-head sculptures, standing next to the canal in a park created for them, called The Helix. They were designed by sculptor Andy Scott and completed in October 2013. There's a visitor center which offers tours. 

An extension of the canal actually passes through the lock located between the two sculptures.  Kelpies, or water kelpies, is the Scots name given to a shape-shifting water spirit inhabiting the lochs and pools of Scotland. It has usually been described as appearing as a horse, but is able to adopt human form.

Our tour guide had names for each kelpie.  Wished I could remember them....

Our tour included a stop inside the heads down kelpie.  Their outer "skin" is created with 928 unique stainless steel plates.

The door is a heavy piece that swivels inward.

I think he sees you.

Canal between the sculptures

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