Friday, July 20, 2018

Scotland - Glamis Castle

Entrance to Glamis (pronounced Glahms) Castle, childhood-home of Queen Elizabeth's mother.  Queen Elizabeth's sister, Margaret, was born at Glamis, the first royal baby born in Scotland in 300 years.

That's a long-driveway!  Glamis Castle is the home of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore and Kinghorne. Glamis Castle has been the home of the Lyon family since the 14th century, though the present building dates largely from the 17th century. 

Only part of the home is open to the public but only by tour and photos of the interior are not allowed.

The parking lot and public entrance is on the back site of the structure.

The history of the home and its residents were displayed on panels after the tour.  Click to enlarge for reading.

Next up was a walk around the grounds. 

Gardens on the southeast side of the castle

The sundial

If you knew how to read them, each lion would display a portion of the date and time of day.

This huge chestnut tree was believed to have been planted to mark the last battle fought on British soil, Culloden in 1746.
Close up of the leaves and flowers

Information about the lawn and its plantings.

Royal pet cemetery

The tulips were done blooming so they were being removed.  I didn't ask what was going to replace them.

The Italian garden was surrounded by tall bushes and sculptures.

Memorial to Princes Margaret who was born here in August of 1930 and died February of 2002.

Out of the woods and off to the walled garden

What kind of tree would they pin to the wall?

Apple trees

Once out of the gardens, we wandered around more of the grounds.

While walking along the creek, my sister noticed this fawn peeking out from the foliage on the bank.

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