Thursday, August 10, 2017

Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park

The hiking area JoAnn liked the most in the Crescent City area.

This was the most level area we walked.  Not totally level but close.

Since this grove is close to the highway and an easy walk, it has lots of informational panels along the trail.

Hope no one is around when these fall.

Love how the light is shining on the tree in the background.

I wonder why this root is twisted like this.

After the Simpson-Reed Grove we walked up Walker Road and found another trail.  It was unmarked but we called it the pothead trail as we saw a pot smoker along the way.

Couldn't get backed up far enough to get both of them completely in the photo but two redwoods had fallen and another had fallen across their trucks.

What?! You're still looking at Redwood hike photos?  You must like to hike too.

Day two in the Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park.   We're still on Walker Road but it's turned into a dirt road with very fine dirt that covers everything along the road and our car.

I never did figure out what this shrub is called.  The stems are not always red.

Walk through decayed stump.

So we came to this intersection and Nolan touched the sign on the right.  It fell over. 

We had to brace it up with a piece of wood.

The start of each loop is steep.

The Leiffer Trail is fairly flat.  This boardwalk looks like it is going to run straight into that tree.  It jogs to the right.

We didn't know if the spots on the underside of this fern were egg sacs from the snail or what.  Turns out the spots are spores the fern makes for reproduction.  Couldn't find in information on the relationship between snails and ferns.

Lovely steep trail with steps and hairpin turns.

Western maidenhair fern

Many of the bridges were make out of planks that weren't totally flat.  Many curved upwards and you had to pay attention to where you placed your feet.

The Blue Bead Lily berries are poisonous.

I know it is difficult to tell from this photo but this path was very tilted and eroded.

We walked the Hatton Trail until we came to this log that had fallen across the trail.  The next day we walked from the other side of the trail until we came to this log.

Banana slug... maybe 6" long.

We're here too late in the season to see the trillium flower but here's its stalk.  LOL

One of the few creatures we saw in the redwood forest.

Another walk through stump but this one isn't quite so decayed.

From the other side.

Walking on the Hiouchi Trail along the Smith River.

The trail can be treacherous in places.

Some of the rocks looked green... can't tell the color so much in this photo.

Temporary pedestrian bridge over the Smith River from the Stout Grove over to the beach.

Interesting how these roots turned and created a step.

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