Sunday, December 11, 2016

Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon on Navajo land east of Page, Arizona. Antelope Canyon includes two separate, scenic slot canyon sections and we went to Upper Antelope Canyon.

The visit included a hoop dance demonstration. This man is rank in the top 20 in the world.

We got in one of the trucks pictured in the first photo for our trip to Antelope Canyon.

Sandstone formations along the highway SE of Page.

We left the highway onto a dirt road.

The road entered the wash below the canyon and the sand was very deep in places.

Formations along the side of the wash

The entrance to the slot canyon.

Water is the main creator of the slot canyon and you can see streaks where water has ran down from the top.

One of the wider sections.

We were there too late in the day for the sunbeams to go clear to the floor of the canyon and it was a cloudy day.

The tour guide kept taking people's cameras and taking good photos.  I know she took mine a lot and recommended it as a good camera for the light conditions in the canyon.

I just have a point-and-shoot camera and I was amazed at how different the photos looked.  Some of the above were really red and this one is dark.

Looks like this branch was washed in and got stuck.

I think this one had a name but I don't know what it was.

More debris stuck in the top of the slot.

I think this one might have been called the wave.

Some of the photos are taken looking straight up.

Our tour guide did a great job.  Oh the wind was blowing slightly outside and sand was dropping down on us in  places so her hat was extremely useful in keeping it off of her.

Or tour guide took this photo of us.

This nest was at the top of the canyon and way up on the wall.

You can see it in this photo.  Don't know what varmit made it.

Leaving the canyon.

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