Saturday, August 08, 2015

Copper Falls State Park by Mellen, WI

Before starting the Doughboy Trail, we took a side top to the observation tower.  These stairs were just the start of the short, but steep trail.  Once we got there, the tower needed another level to make it possible to see over the treetops.

Copper Falls

The trail was wonderful...level, wide and well marked.  The fences were beautiful. 

In many locations there were stone steps that were beautifully made.

You can see Devil's Gate past the people.

Bridge we were on to see Devil's Gate.

Just loved how these falls fell in many directions.

According to Wikipedia, Monotropa uniflora, also known as the ghost plant, Indian pipe, or corpse plant, is a herbaceous perennial plant native to temperate regions of Udmurtiya in European Russia, Asia, North America and northern South America, but with large gaps between areas.  It was formerly classified in the family Monotropaceae; however, it has now been included within the Ericaceae. It is generally scarce or rare in occurrence.
Unlike most plants, it is white and does not contain Chlorophyll. Instead of generating energy from sunlight, it is parasitic, more specifically a myco-heterotroph. Its hosts are certain fungi that are mycorrhizal with trees, meaning it ultimately gets its energy from photosynthetic trees. Since it is not dependent on sunlight to grow, it can grow in very dark environments as in the understory of dense forest. It is often associated with beech trees. The complex relationship that allows this plant to grow also makes propagation difficult.  The plant is sometimes completely white but commonly has black flecks and a pale pink coloration.  Rare variants may have a deep red color.

The river takes a U-turn here.

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