Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hershey Chocolate World faux tour

Of course we went to Hershey, PA since we were in the area.

A tour was advertised in the AAA book so we thought we would see chocolate being made.  Tourist season has not hit high gear yet so we whizzed through the line.

We went down some stairs to this floor that rotated with the ride cars to the outside.

And we got a car all to ourselves.

So the car followed the cogged track with a mural on the left.

This guy welcomed us to the tour.

We went through the barn first.  I believe the statistic was that Hershey used 1/3 million gallons of milk daily.
The chocolate process was explained as we went along but we didn't go out to the actual factory.  This was just a ride that explained the process.  There were singing "cows" at a couple different places.

Displays show how bars are formed.

The Kiss Depositor

As you leave they take your photo and tried to sell them to you at the end.

As we left I noticed all the street lights looked like Kisses!

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