Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Yellowstone Park - Day 3

We decided to take the Firehole Canyon Drive along the Firehole River to start off day three.

The falls weren't that big but they were pretty.  Just up the road there was a swimming hole but it was still closed.  I suppose there was too much water flow to be safe.  The river has to be much warmer than a normal river because all the water from the geysers and springs west of the Continental Divide, including Old Faithful, flow into this river.

Yes the next stop was to see Old Faithful.  Well I wasn't as impressed by it as I though I would be.  Castle Geyser just down the way was going off at the same time and it looked more impressive even though we were quite a distance from it.

Castle Geyser from quite a distance.

This is one of the most unusual geysers in the park.  When we walked up to it, it was just an empty hole.  Then it filled with water and started a 10' tall geyser.

It's called Anemone Geyser and this is what it looked like when it was full of water.  Then it drained again and started the process over.  All within about 7 minutes.

I didn't get the name of every geyser/spring we passed.
Some would have these mats of algae growing with bugs crawling on it.

The blue spot is an area where you can see down into the spring.  Who knows how far down it went.

Another deep mysterious hole.

Got a good look down into this one!

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