Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Utah Highway 12 Scenic Byway

....We drove up to Capitol Reef National Park and on the way we got to see the sights along Hwy 12. First off are a few shots of Red Canyon.

There are two tunnels in Red Canyon.
...We didn't stop much because it was a long drive to Capitol Reef. Hwy 12 took us up to an elevation of 9600' where we saw bunchs of aspen changing color.

From one viewpoint we could see Capitol Reef.

.....I don't know the name of the lake.

.....It's amazing how washed out the red is in this photo. It was really pretty over the green trees.

This is right before Capitol Reef.

.....On the way back we stopped for photos of the Hogsback. This is where Hwy 12 rides the top of the ridge. The ridge isn't any wider than the road. From the wording of the sign and the speed limit, I take it they want people to be careful and not drive off the edge.

Notice there aren't any guard rails.

Then the ridge widens and we see this sign. Gees, that's steep!

View over the edge as we decended.

Further along Hwy 12 the canyon narrows. Most of the photos I took along this stretch didn't turn out well.

This is the view from Boynton Overlook.

Sometimes you just never know what is going to jump in front of the lens. I was trying to get a photo of the stone wall at the overlook. I guess I got it with an added bonus.

...We hit a deer along the way but I don't think it did any damage.

....At another overlook we could see the road we had traveled.

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