Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August Miscellaneous

Well it was time I posted something and since we have an assortment of photos of various items, I thought I would post this collage of photos.
Sometimes we see some interesting RVs in the park. This is a 1947 Westwagon newly restored by the owner standing in front of it. The interior is all wood and very beautiful.

...We didn't get a chance to talk to the owner of this rig but the nameplate says it's a Crown.

....ok we were bad and I made a batch of bars.... we call them chippy-dippy bars, some people call them seven-layer bars but the recipe from Nolan's mother simply says "Nolan's Favorite Bars".

We've seen these signs at every road construction site in the state of Washington.

These are what I have no willpower to resist and the reason I've gained weight instead of losing this summer. No Bake Cookies.

..We drove around the local area to see what else was out there. Close to the dam that creates Mayfield Lake is a resort that has all kinds of rentals, RV sites, a restaurant, a store and a marina. We took this photo looking north to where the Hwy 12 bridge crosses the lake.

....I figured Mossyrock Dam would be an interesting place to check out since, at 606', it is the tallest dam in Washington. Well you can't even walk out on it! Bummers.

..We went back to Ike Kinswa State Park and hiked the trail we started to hike in May when it was really muddy.

This time we got past the spot that was just a big water puddle in May. It's dry now.

Nolan spotted this slug and figured we better get a photo. We see lots of these in the gardens at the RV park. There are larger ones called banana slugs that are, you guessed it, yellow. Ones like this one stretch out two to three inches but the banana slugs can get to 4 or 5 inches long.

Looking down at the arm of the lake that divides the park.

...In places the path looked more like an ATV path than a foot path.

Along Hwy 12 we kept passing this house with lots of bird houses so we decided to stop for photos.

There are a variety of accomodations.

..The one on the right is really big.

Check out the sign on top!

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