Sunday, July 30, 2017

Arcata Community Forest Walks

Arcata, CA has a Community Forest with trails for hiking, bicycling and horseback riding.
Our house rental was just off of California Avenue so most of the time we parked at the end of that road to access the forest.  Once we went in at the 14th Street trailhead.  We didn't walk on the trails further away from the trailhead.  We downloaded an app that showed us the trails and our location on them. 
This is the single track portion of the #10 trail.  It went down to creek level then back up.

This tree had fallen over the trail but it might have fallen before the trail was even built.

as the other trees had grown around it.

It also rested on this stump.

You can see the end of the tree on the top left of this photo.

End of fallen tree

Don't know what caused this trees wrinkled trunk

This tree had fallen but it must have remained rooted because the branches grew straight up.

We tried but we never found a four leaf clover.

We don't know what this ground cover was called.

Even though it looked dry in places, the slugs were still out.

Should we be expecting some little slugs soon?

This trail marker almost needed a haircut.

Twisted tree.

Someone had put pink ribbon around these two tree roots so they were more visible.

Looks like an old stump was fertile ground for two trees to grow up around it.  The rectangular holes were put there by the loggers that harvested the tree years ago before chain saws.  They would carve out these holes then stick in planks they called springboards.  They would then lay other planks over the springboards to create a platform which they stood on while sawing on the tree.

We called this stump at the start of the trail "Smirk" as the two springboard holes looked like eyes.
This hollow stump looked like a fortress.

JoAnn by a stump just so you can see the size of it.

Looks like someone created a home in this stump.

This is the only tree we saw that had saw marks on it.

Stump grotto at Redwood Park.

Terrace Avenue - Arcata, CA

Moved up the road to Arcata, CA. This had two separate units.  We had the top unit, July 18 to July 28.  The people below parked between the rail and their unit.  You can see where we had to park our car.  Wasn't able to use the garage but then I doubt we could have even got into it.  The neighbors below us were some what quiet.  Had a townhouse to the east of us.  Didn't see much of them.

This was the driveway to get up to the unit. 

Car was parked to the right, we walked up the steps.

Come into this little area and have to remove our shoes.  Which is fine we do that at our own home.

These stairs go down to the garage where the washer/dryer are located. 

These stairs go up to the main part of the unit.

Living room area.  Hallway is to the two bedrooms and bathroom.

From the living room is the kitchen and dining room. 

View from the kitchen sink window.  Seemed to be around up to six vehicles parked here at different times.  But they were quiet.

I sat in one of these chairs.  They are more comfortable then they look. 

One of the bedrooms.  Had a queen bed.  Liked the wood ceilings in the bedrooms and living room dining room. 

This is a door to the "back yard".  You can see the door in the bedroom in the photo before this.

The second bedroom with the double bed.

In the bedroom with the double bed, just a different view.

Bathroom.  Toilet was located behind the door. 

Liked the double sinks.

Never used the a/c or the heater.  This was the hottest it ever got in the unit.  We would open up the kitchen window when it warmed up inside and closed it in the mornings when the crows started crowing or/and the neighborhood dogs would start barking.  Coldest it ever got in the unit was 66 degrees.  Got to love it!!!!

Plates in the unit.  Bowls were cool looking too.

This was located over the inside entry stairs.  Pretty cool when the sun was shining through it. 

Located in the bedroom with the queen bed.

Compliment  ale.  Tried one.  After a couple of sips it became drain clean.  Nasty!!!

They also had coffee, but neither of us drink coffee.  did have these cookies that were excellent.  (photos and written by Nolan)