Thursday, September 29, 2016

European River Cruise - Passau Germany

Approaching Passau, Germany on the Danube with the Inn River on the left

The towers of St. Stevens Cathedral dominate the skyline.

Quaint house on the north bank of the Danube

The Ilz River also joins the Danube at Passau.  At the confluence is the Wasserburg Veste Niederhaus with the Veste Oberhaus on the hill above it.

The Veste Oberhaus is a fortress founded in 1219 and served as the stronghold of the Bishop of Passau.

Since we couldn't get a dock, the Captain is mooring the ship against another ship.  That's him in the white shirt at the edge of the ship.

Better view of the Wasserburg Veste Niederhaus, which is an extension of the fortress

Veste Oberhaus fortress

Now what number can that be?  It's 1499, the date of the renovation when this building was added.

Cobblestone streets of Passau

This accompanies the next photo.  Click to enlarge for reading

The highway that runs along the north shore of the Danube, passes under part of the fortress.

You have to have a life ring around if you're going to save anyone who falls in the river.   Actually Passau was the location of a rescue of a 4 year old boy by a playmate that is little known but played a huge role in world events.  Hilter fell in the river and was rescued by another boy in January of 1894.

If the life ring doesn't work, maybe this hook will do the job.

This building, built circa 1200 was once the home of Passau's executioner.
The Altes Rathaus, Old Town Hall.

Altes Rathaus clock tower

Markings on the side of the Altes Rathaus indicate the water level from floods throughout the years.  Since Passau sits at the confluence of three rivers, it in prone to flooding.  Notice the next to the top date - 2013.

Overview of 2013 water level.  Danube River at bottom and Inn River at top.

Walking down this alley will lead you to an interesting store.

One that sells horse meat.

The Bishop's residence - partly under renovation.

More of the Bishop's residence

Ornamentation over the front door of the Bishop's residence.

Back of St. Stephan's Cathedral - of course it is under renovation too.

Alley from the Bishop's residence to the front of the church

Front of St Stephan's Cathedral.  The towers are home to nine large bells.
Interior of St. Stephan's Cathedral

St Stephan's is home to the world's largest cathedral organ with 17,774 pipes, 23 registers and six consoles. 

In the Domplatz (Church plaza) there's a statue of König Maximilian I. Joseph von Bayern. 

Often called Regenprüfer" (Rain-checker) because of the outstretched hand
St Paul Pfarrkirche, a smaller church.

Looking down Rindermarkt Street from the steps of St Paul's

Want to guess what kind of a store this is?  Schuck means jewelry so it's a jewelry store.

We walked out to the Inn River.  The building at the top is St Gertraud, a monastery.

Looking down the Inn toward the Danube

Schaibingsturm Tower, part of the city's medieval fortification, stands along the Inn River.

Beautiful day to walk along the river.

We saw these tiny "birdhouse" decorations on various houses but never determined their purpose.  There aren't any holes in them.

Just an interesting building.

One narrow street to be shared with cars, motorcycles and bicycles.

Notice the mural on the wall over the arch

Some of the alleys were tiny.

Street scene in front of the Bishop's residence

Front view of the Altes Rathaus

This is a different company's ship.  Notice that it has just come under a bridge even though the wheelhouse sits up high.

How its wheelhouse raises and lowers.

There were lots of different tour companies doing day cruises on the Danube

Another interesting house on the north shore of the Danube.  Love the "wiring" running down the cliff.

Sailing out of Passau

View of St Paul's from the Danube

There are some large commercial ships on the Danube

The Rotel Inn has a very interesting look.