Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Mini Time Machine Museum of Minatures

Such a huge name for a small museum.  They named it this because they have different sections that represent different time periods from around the world.

This large display is in the lobby.  The miniature house is probably 4 1/2 to 5' wide by 3' deep.
You might have to click this image to enlarge it for reading.

Front entry of this small home.

Click to enlarge.

Small room in the back of the house.  Now this is only about 8" wide and a foot tall.  Look at all the details.  See the wash pitcher and basin on the front left table?  What's that beside it?
A perfectly proportioned straight razor and pocket watch.  These are exceptionally tiny.

Most of the miniatures are 1/12 scale.  1 inch = 12 inches.  Take for instance this set of Waterford Chrystal - actual size on left.  Miniature on pedestal to right.

So I was thinking, these people spend hours working on this little stuff but how can anyone make a living doing this.  This poster told me how some people are employed making miniatures.  Click to enlarge.

I noticed this as I walked around reading the list of artists that had worked on each display.  Particularly noticed that one guy specialized in cats.

Just look at all that little stuff and imagine the time spent to make it.

Some of the detail.

Look how this Tudor house opens.

Viewed from the other side.

This and the next 11 photos are of the same miniature. 

Chest and miniature is approximately 3 1/2 to 4' tall.

Look at the details of the mechanization that moves the characters on the front of the miniature.

Click to enlarge for better viewing.  Those wires are small and delicate looking.
Side view

Up close of dancers on the top balcony

Next photos zoom in on each section of this poster.

The last section of the museum is for special events.  The current special event is Diamonds.  This is a display of the history of some of the most famous diamonds in history complete with replicas of each diamond.


There was a binder available where you could read the history of each diamond.  I have photos of each page here in case you couldn't read the photos above.

The museum symbol was this "swish'

There was another interestingly marked door but I didn't get a photo of it.