Sunday, August 31, 2014

Moses Cone park - highlights of the rest of the hikes

We hiked every trail on this map except for the section that leads across Hwy 221 and the section from the junction of Black Bottom Road and Watkin Road down to Hwy 221.
All the carriage roads were nice and wide.  This one is around Trout Lake (north of the Blue Ridge Parkway)

First glimpses of Trout Lake

I didn't take a photo of all the fungi we saw while out walking but this one is big.  That's Nolan's size 13 just to give you an idea of the size.

We saw lots of signs of beaver activity along the lake.

This was the start of the trail up to Rich Mountain.  It was cloudy and a little foggy.  We ended up wet from a constant drizzle that started when we reached the top.  Along with the horse scat on these trails that are also used by horses, this trail had plenty of cow scat because cows were pastured on this section.
This little deer didn't act too scared as we approached it along Duncan Road Carriage trail.

Bear scat along Watkin Road Carriage Trail.  Only bear scat we saw. 

  A butterfly is prettying up this horse scat. 
Cone Manor from Bass Lake

Once I zoomed in I could see that the pillar at the right corner of the porch still hasn't been replaced.  It was taken out the first day we walked in Cone Park, just one day shy of 5 weeks ago.