Sunday, December 09, 2012

Christmas Electric Light Parade

This is the Sunscape RV Resort float. That's Frosty the snowman and a couple of "kids".

These are pictures from three parades.  Casa Grande, Coolidge, and Eloy.

Firemen are in front being the reindeer "pulling" the fire truck.

At Casa Grande won first place in Christmas Spirit.  Coolidge won this trophy and $100. cash.  Haven't heard if we won anything at Eloy.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Veteran's Parade 2012

The start of the parade.

Buffalo Solders of America.  Arizona Chapter.

Best picture I could get of the motorcycle cops.

Smart car.

The Arizona Rangers is an Arizona law enforcement angency modeled on the Texas Rangers. The Arizona Rangers were created by the Arizona Territorial Legislature in 1901, disbanded in 1909, and subsequently reformed in 1957. The present-day Arizona Rangers are an unpaid, all-volunteer, law enforcement support and assistance civilian auxiliary police in the state of Arizona

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


One of the park models at Sunscape RV Resort.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

The ownership of this blog has changed.  Submissions are now by BOTH JoAnn and Nolan.  This is our site at Sunscape RV Resort this winter where JoAnn and I are working.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Colorado Fall Scenery

We left Gunnison and headed to Cortez.  We took CO Hwy 145 from Ridgeway to Cortez and the scenery was fabulous.  The fall colors with just a touch of new snow on the mountains made the scenery wonderful.

I only included this shot because you can see Nolan driving the truck in the side mirror.

Where we stopped for lunch.

I wished these photos showed how truly spectacular the drive was.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Leaving Ireland

Just some photos taken from the airplane as we left Dublin.

Ireland Trip - Carlingsford Lough

After the beach we drove up to the Cooley peninsula.

Across Carlingford Lough is Northern Ireland.

We found the remains of a castle in Carlingford.

Loughfront scene at Carlingford.